Sunday, May 31, 2009

What I learned from the NBA Finals

I enjoy watching basketball. This year's finals were very exciting. In the process of enjoying the games, I learned several lessons.

1. Never give up. No matter how bad things get keep your passion for the goal in sight.
2. Winning is a team effort. The Cavs could have won if the entire team had played game 6. One player cannot win the game. It takes the effort of every team member to achieve a goal.
3. Take it one game at a time. Focus on winning and successfully completing one project at a time.
4. Start with the end in mind. No doubt the Lakers knew exactly what they wanted and they were relentless in achieving their goal.
5. Celebrate. Celebrate all successes big or small.

Lessons can be learned from any activity and any one. Keep your eyes and ears open for wisdom and learned lessons from others.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Grow Your Business Through Networking

What is your intent when you attend an networking event? Is it to give or to get? Is it to meet as many people as possible or just a handful? Networking is about giving. It's about learning as much as possible about the person you're talking to. Here are some suggestions next time you go attend a networking event:
1. Meet a few people. In order to really get to know a person, it takes an investment of your time. Take the time.
2. Set an intention. Decide that you will meet X number of people.
3. Find out as much as you can about them. Ask them about their business. Find out how you can help them.
4. Follow-up. Follow-up with a note within 24-48 hours.
5. Connect them with other people who might be interested in their product or service.

When you approach networking from a standpoint of them other succeed in their business, you will, too.

Dress up and Step Up!

Pat Alva-Green
Business and Wellness Coach

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog, Blog, Blog

One thing about having a blog is that you need to be consistent. How do we do that? Today I felt overwhelmed. I stopped, took a deep breath and asked myself "what two things MUST I get done today?" Once I identified those two things. I began working the first task. I kept focus. Didn't answer my phone or react to my e-mail. Once completed, I started with the second task. Wow! I felt great. I then asked myself "what two things must I get done next?" And I began those tasks? It's a matter of focus. Blogging is now one of those two things! It takes discipline. How do you keep yourself focused?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make Decisions!

You are paid to make decisions. Be quick to make them but slow to change them. Create a decision process for yourself. Use your gut feel. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. Does your decision support your highest good? It should.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's all about relationships!

At the end of the day, what's contributes to our success in life or business are the relationships we have with others and ourselves. The most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. When you are compassionate, loving, trusting, nurturing and kind with yourself, your other relationships follow suit. Start with yourself. When you do, your other relationships will grow and deepen easily and effortlessly.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grow Your Business by Growing Yourself!

Your business is a reflection of your personal growth! Wow! How much have you invested in yourself? I thrive on personal growth. Consider taking an on-line class, a class at a junior college, hiring a coach or just reading a book that expands your horizon. Take 30 minutes to read a book every day. You'll be amazed how quickly you'll become a subject matter expert.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Start!

Today I learned that it's important to "just start". How many times have I held back from starting a new venture until I had the education, the time, the support, etc.? Way too many! It's time to make a change. Even if it is not perfect, just start!